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The Python and Vagrant part of TSDBBench

Adding a New Database

for this example consider your new tsdb would be opentsdb:

  1. Add Vagrantfiles:
    1. Create at least one folder in TSDBBench/vagrant_files
      • E.g., opentsdb_cl1_rf1 (cl = cluster size, rf = replication factor)
    2. Create at least one Vagrantfile in this new folder
      • Named same as the folder but with _ + number + .vagrant as suffix
      • Each file is one VM that is created and provisioned
      • E.g., TSDBBench/vagrant_files/opentsdb_cl1_rf1/opentsdb_cl1_rf1_0.vagrant
    3. In this Vagrantfile put deployment tasks like installing and configuring
      • But nothing where you need to know IPs from other nodes of the cluster (that comes in a later step)
        • Cannot be done with Vagrant
      • Consider files in basic folder that can be reused
        • See TSDBBench/vagrant_files/basic/opentsdb.rb for example
  2. Add the python part
    1. Add a python file to TSDBBench/vagrant_files/generator/files/databases/
      • Named like the folder + .py (e.g.,
    2. In this file add:
      1. Deployment tasks that requires IPs from all nodes of the cluster
      2. Checks that the database is running
      3. Some basic db configs (everything that starts with db_)
    3. Look at other database python files, there are comments that explain every field in every file
      • E.g., TSDBBench/vagrant_files/generator/files/databases/
  3. Add a Client (if not existing) to YCSB-TS
