- Uses LevelDB for indexes and uses a custom storage layer when persisiting data on the local filesystem
- “multi-dimensional data model”
- Features a flexible query language
- Recording rules to save results of frequently needed expressions in separate time series
- Indirect pushing of time series data via pushgateway
- Prometheus-Clients available to push data of the push metrics types counter, gauge, histogram or summary
- Supported exposition format is the Protocol buffer format
- No support of own timestamps, time of push is used instead
- HTTP API to push to pushgateway
- Supported exposition formats are plain text format and Protocol buffer format
- Own timestamps can be used when using plain text format
- Two different query formats of ranges
- Using offsets from the currect point of time and a granularity of s, m, h, d, w, y from there to include the desired time series data in a vector
- Can be used by buitlin functions to calculate values as sum, avg, min, max
- Using two timestamps rfc3339- or Unix-timestamps and a step size of ms, s, h, d, w, y to to include the desired time series in a matrix
- No further postprocessing possible with builtin functions
- Prebuilt releases for prometheus and pushgateway are available
Implementation Notes
- As custom timestamps are used in insert steps, the plaintext format was used
- As postprocessing functions are used in the scan steps, the vector result format was used
- Timestamps were used to calculate offset and granularity to include the desired range of time series and overestimate the range as little as possible